WMATIS Internet Banking

WMATIS Internet Banking is a complete online banking and marketing solution that enables financial institutions to attract new customers and expand the range of services for current customers.

With WMATIS Internet Banking financial institutions can sell their products and allow a wide range of online services to each of their customers 24 hours a day x 7 days a week. Allowing services such as account inquiries, funds transfers, payments, statements, etc. The goal of WMATIS is to increase customer loyalty by enabling financial institutions to offer the services required by customers in today’s market. Download from here full features pdf

WMATIS,(Web Marketing and Transactional Internet System), is composed of three applications:
  • AIM (Automated Internet Marketing)
  • CI Server (Channel Integrator Server)
  • CBGI (Core Banking Gateway Integrator )


  • It has tools for content management CMS (AIM)
  • Security:
    • Pin Cards
    • Password encrypted under triple cryptography des.
    • HSM Validation
    • RSA Device
    • Flexible when implementing other existing security standards.